- Attendance at the seminar on the application of VAT

Our employees have attended a seminar entitled "Actual dilemmas and application of the Law on VAT," which was organized by the Centre for enhancing corporate governance, in cooperation with ITA. The seminar was held on 23rd September, 2015. year at the University of Business Studies in Banja Luka. The seminar focused on the following issues:

„Forwarding the invoice“ in the system of VAT

Damage compensation in the VAT system

Prize games in the VAT system

Correction of output and input VAT

Turnover of a construction facility - the new attitude

One-time turnover

Imports of goods based on a decision on release

Article 15 of the Law - the place of taxation

Theft, fire.

The lectures were held by Mr. Anes Muslimovic, MSc of law - Head of the Group for the preparation of binding opinions in the field of indirect taxes in the ITA, who is dealing with these topics amounted the current views and opinions of the ITA.